Our address is 250 W. Pike in Pontiac, MI.   This is about 4 blocks west of Woodward in Pontiac.   You will find us with a quick Google Maps search.

Museum Regular Open Hours are as follows:

  • Thursday / Friday / Saturday 10 AM to 6 PM
  • Sunday  12 PM to 5 PM
  • Contact admin@pontiactransportationmuseum.org if you have a large group or are inquiring about a group visit outside the hours shown

Admission Prices:

  • $10 Regular Admission
  • $8 Seniors 65 and older, Military
  • $5 Children up to age 13, those 5 and under are free
  • Bring proof of Pontiac residency for 50% off in 2025!

Our building Phase 1 is ADA barrier-free!   Parking is available onsite.   Parking will typically be sufficient for normal museum hours – special events may require short walk from remote lots we will direct you toward.

Also – make this your bicycling destination!   We are 3 blocks from the Clinton River Trail – connecting to West Bloomfield, Rochester, and many points further!  And you’ll find PTM’s Gift Shop a valuable resource for both automotive wear and Pontiac community items!